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Date: Sunday 5/5/2024

Time: 10-12:00 PM

Location: Vernon, CT

Exact location details will be provided via email upon registration.

Cost: $20 per person, children are free


Payment can be made by venmo (@emma_ofearth) or paypal (  in advance or in cash the day of, please register here either way. Checkout online is to confirm your registration & attendance by email so location details and other resources can be shared.


Please confirm in the note section of your checkout your payment method.

Select "service/ticket no shipping" option in drop down menu.



Plant walks are one of my favorite experiences to facilitate. We synchronize with the season by learning what of the green world is coming up and around to support us in the season's transitions. Slowing down to attune to our senses and awareness of the small details is deeply grounding. Herb walks are a great opportunity to meet likeminded community and learn experientially-whether you are a beginner herbalist or seasoned naturalist all are bound to take away something inspiring or new.


We'll be exploring the edges of a meadow and wooded trail. Emma has 10 years experience as a practicing herbalist, making medicine, foraging, and teaching others how to take care of themselves through herbs. She will bridge folkoric traditions and story with clinical experience and research about plants and their work within the human body and spirit. 




-Wear weather appropriate clothing and comfortable shoes you don't getting dirty, as well as any other accoutrements you may need for the elements like an extra jacket, sweater.
-You may want to bring a notebook!

-I will confirm details 24 hours prior to the event, and any information regarding a rain date should there be incoming inclement weather. 
Email if you have any questions.

Accessibility info:

There is a covered pavillion on site (for post walk seating and cover if needed). The walk will be mostly flat, with some caution given to unlevel/tree rooted areas underfoot. Porto-potty may be available but best to be prepared prior to attending. 

spring herb walk: sunday 5.5

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